Aimee & Cody’s wedding booth at McCormick Home Ranch last weekend was SO super fun! Guests can download the images right here! :D
Aimee & Cody’s wedding booth at McCormick Home Ranch last weekend was SO super fun! Guests can download the images right here! :D
If you can’t tell, we had a ridiculous amount of fun with our photo booth at Colleen & Ramsey’s wedding! Guests can download & access all the images riiigggght here!
This past year we’ve had so many awesome opportunities to run our modern photo booth, Driver Booth, at so many of our couples’ weddings!! It has truly been a blast and we can’t wait to share more. One thing we are really loving is when our couples incorporate a single, simple prop–in the case below for example, Steph & Jordan used empty frames. Instead of a slew of random props to choose from, guests get really creative and use that single prop in ways you hadn’t even thought of. ;) It makes for such a fun booth!